Just Say No (Pt 1)


Do you remember when you were a child and you were getting ready to do something that may have caused you harm? Someone told you no, to keep you from getting hurt. You may have experienced this with your own children. Saying no, was for their own good. You were trying to keep them from getting harmed.   You may have gotten the temper tantrum afterward or the sad eyes that melted your heart but you knew you had done the right thing. However, you still felt bad about saying no.

We give this two-letter word so much power. It’s often associated with negativity and rejection. Basically, we don’t like to be told no and we don’t like telling people no. If we are told, “No, you didn’t get the job or no, you weren’t approved for the loan or no, you didn’t get accepted into the college of your choice, or no, you can’t have any more candy,” we feel hurt, rejected and defeated.


No is not a bad word. We need to remove the stigma associated with it. No just means that option isn’t the right one for you. Think of times when you were told no and something else better came along.   I remember receiving my rejection letter from Occupational Therapy School. I was hurt, disappointed and lost. I decided to apply for Nursing School. I was meant to be a nurse but I would not have realized it until my OT School rejection letter came. So now when I hear no, it means there is something else instead. Let’s put the word no in perspective. It’s not the end, just the beginning.

I would love to hear how you’ve been using the word “no” in your professional and personal life.  If you’ve been having a hard time saying “no”, I want to hear about that too.

Marcelletta teaches others how to create harmony and balance in their lives, reduce stress, be fully present and enjoy authentic happiness. If you’re ready to start creating the life you desire, click here to get started.


About the Author

Marci Miles

Contemporary Shamanic Guide 

I come from a lineage of healers in this life and past lives.  I provide holistic spiritual support for women who are on their healing journey.