Self-Care for Busy Leaders


As a leader, there is always so much to do. Your schedule is full of meetings, phone calls, and due dates. On top of that, you have unscheduled group discussions, unexpected staff crises, and unplanned conversations with individuals who look to you for your leadership.

Your life at work is overwhelming sometimes. Then, when you go home, your life there may be equally overbooked and tiring. How do you manage it all?

As an effective leader, you probably have a fairly good handle on how to juggle all of the demands on your time. However, your schedule is also undoubtedly missing a key activity – your self-care. How effectively are you doing what you need to do to take care of yourself?

Most busy leaders will say they don’t have the time for self-care. There are too many other matters that take priority throughout the day.

  • Your team needs you.
  • Your organization needs you.
  • Your patients need you.
  • Your family needs you.
  • Your community needs you
  • Your friends need you

See anything missing in that list? Yes, you need yourself! You need to take care of yourself so you can continue to be an effective leader.

Refuel the Leader

Make the time for self-care in your daily calendar. Schedule it. Literally. Block out 30 minutes, or more if you can, to focus on you. Use that time to get a little exercise, do some meditation, or practice a relaxation technique. Or, take a break during the day to just do nothing! Turn off the electronics, close the door or go outside for some fresh air, and enjoy a well-deserved respite from the day’s stresses.

Each day, you can also do little things that add up to huge self-care rewards. Start the day with a filling breakfast, and then pack a nutritious lunch along with some healthy snacks to take to work. Add a water bottle to keep you hydrated throughout your busy day.

After work, take the time to do something that makes you happy. Throw a ball around with the kids. Work a crossword puzzle. At the end of the day, unplug and unwind so you can get a restful night’s sleep.

Busy leaders take care of other people all day, every day. To be a truly effective leader – and a healthy individual – you need to make the time to take care of yourself also!

Please share with us how you unwind from the day and refuel for the next day?  We’d love to hear about and be encouraged at the same time!

As a Soul’opreneur, my soul’s journey is to inspiring others be the best leader they can be for themselves, their team, and their business. My mission is to guide leaders to take full responsibility for their life and overall well-being.


About the Author

Marci Miles

Contemporary Shamanic Guide 

I come from a lineage of healers in this life and past lives.  I provide holistic spiritual support for women who are on their healing journey.