What you think and believe about yourself, the world, and your life has a powerful impact on your everyday living. Unfortunately, some beliefs are downright destructive to the process of living a successful, fulfilling life. However, if you can identify those...
Mindset Self-Care
I am a firm believer in self-care. I teach women all the time that real meaningful self-care is internal care that we must give ourselves daily. It wasn’t until now that I began to think about mindset self-care. Your mindset is how you approach life. It’s made...
Building Self-Awareness
Would you like to see some changes in your life? You can begin making these changes by building self-awareness. Self-awareness is a self-conscious state where you're focused on yourself and your well-being. It's often said, we cannot change what we do not see....
Reasons to Put Yourself First
How does it feel when you read articles saying you should start to put yourself first? What does the voice in your head say? Chances are it might feel a bit uncomfortable or even wrong. So many of the messages from society and during your childhood are about putting...
Are Your Personal Beliefs Holding You Back?
Your beliefs about yourself and your life have more power over your existence than you can imagine. Personal ideas and values you’ve held for a long time can block the way toward a life you desire. Identify your unhelpful beliefs and replace them with positive ones....