Many people don't really know what to do when you feel stuck or trapped in your life. It becomes almost impossible to be happy. Those who do feel stuck tend to feel depressed, frustrated, and dissatisfied with their lives. It often seems like a continuous downward...
What Am I Doing with My Life? Tips for Figuring Things Out
Do you often find yourself wondering what you are doing in life? Many people reach a point where they feel they lack direction in their lives. Instead of living life to the full, they simply go through the motions. If this sounds like you, there are things you can...
Letting Go of Shame-Filled Thoughts
When you’re living with shame, it can be easy to let it dominate your thoughts. You may find yourself thinking unkind thoughts about yourself or others. When things go wrong, you might say, “Of course this happened. I don’t deserve good things.” Or “Why would anyone...
Do Yourself a Favor: Develop Self-Awareness and Stop Lying to Yourself
We all lie to ourselves. We are great at deceiving ourselves, because we don’t really know ourselves. We blame others for our challenges, even when we’re the primary cause. It’s not easy to get to know yourself. Most people don’t want to know the truth. That’s...
Are Your Personal Beliefs Holding You Back?
Your beliefs about yourself and your life have more power over your existence than you can imagine. Personal ideas and values you’ve held for a long time can block the way toward a life you desire. Identify your unhelpful beliefs and replace them with positive ones....